British Motorcycle Parts and manuals
A company run by classic motorcyclists for |
classic motorcyclists. |
Classic motorcycles have been our passion for over twenty years |
and our livelihood for much of that time. |
Whether you ride these beautiful bikes, build and restore them or |
simply like to read about their fascinating history, |
we have something for you!!! |
Manuals - Parts, Maintenance & Workshop Manual etc.
Electrics - Alternators, Rectifiers, Switches & more
Classifieds - All sorts of everything!
Triumph - Workshop Tools
Motorcycle screw sets - BSA TRIUMPH NORTON
Electronic Ignition Kits
British motorcycle parts & Manuals
Parts for the classic motorcycle have been our stock - in - trade for many years. As riders of classic, we know the importance of finding, not just spares, but the RIGHT spares, and the difficulties that can present. |
Our catalogues, reproduced from the factory originals cover most British motorcycles, and some classic bikes from foreign manufacturers. Armed with these, you can be sure that the spares you purchase will be correct for the make and model of your classic motorcycle avoiding the expense and frustration of buying parts, only to find on getting back to the workshop, that its just another (expensive) shelf - filler.... |
The catalogues were produced in the year of manufacture of the motorcycles themselves, so these originals are now prized collectors items - see the range we have in stock! |
The history of the classic manufacturers, and the development of riding styles, makes interesting reading, often offering a useful insight into the eras these bikes served. We carry a wide selection of titles to pass cold, wet winter evenings, when reading about motorcycling is more pleasant than actually riding! As an ex-courier rider, no-one knows that better than our CEO !! |
With a classic motorcycle, time spent in the workshop is always time well spent. Our wiring harnesses and wiring diagrams make light work of a re-wire, whilst our wide selection of spare parts, used, new/old stock and pattern, save you weeks of searching. Most importantly, we care about these lovely classic motorcycles, and the proud owners who keep them on the road - after all, we belong in these ranks, too. |
So, if you don't find what you need in our pages ----- ASK US. We will always be happy to help, with hard to come by information, or seeking out that elusive part. Happy riding - -- now read on. |